Hello fellow vixens!
I *HIGHLY* reccommend the new Nickelback song "Gotta be Somebody" (you know, the lead singer, Chad Kroeger sang "Hero", that famous song for the fans of Mr.Spidey! hehe! and like he's Canadian, thank you very much). Definitely = A+
As to where I've been? Well, we had some wild days after Oscar night! So many post-oscar parties, including one featuring a karaoke night! (I love Karaoke) There have also been invitations for a number of parties OUTSIDE the city. For those who have been left behind on the SOCIAL CALENDAR: Monday @ 12:00 was 'Night4show'; Tuesday there was THE social gathering at the main building of the country house (so much pretty people, AND they were giving champagne). Today was tranquility night, and yours truly went out with the delicious Percy twins (aka Nathan and Christian). We went to a place called 'Ligero' (Light for those who don't have a Spanish tongue [or haven't known one ;)]). The food was deli-! I DO suggest the pita chips and the wraps there is are simply grand. Oh. B-T-W...
I've decided on my lent promise! I won't be having any type of sauce, like for 40 days. This of course, means, I will only eat my food with: spices, vinegar, olive oil and salt. I needed to de-tox anyways. I hope God sends me something grand in return for depriving myself of those mouth watering carbonara, puttanesca etc.
Aw... I don't have much else to talk about, plus I'm very tired. I've had QUITE the week (sans sex). Ah... Celibacy is MUCH tougher than what I thought. Buuu-hu!
As for the latest news on the surroundings: Eric is ever getting more attention, eventually his ego will send him far far away. Girlas, if you want a tip with my brother... in these days that he can't eat meat, offer him a nice massage in the shoulders, HE L-O-V-E-S. (you'll get extra points for that). Ashley was sick at the beginning of the week. I notice she doesn't eat much, but I took her some chicken soup and some apple juice (an apple a day...? Keeps the doctor away! Unless the doctor is hot, you don't want him away) I left HER in the arms of her lovey dovey Andre. (who I dated, isn't that strange?). She turned into pulp or pup in his arms. Don't worry Ash: no es un delito, es un deleite. Veronique Reinard (as always love her taste in fashion, VERY proper), still she might want to get off the diet a little! Some meat in those bones wouldn't hurt (and I heard there's a pup who's killing for some fresh meat). Caterina? I haven't talked with her at all... Hmm... I wonder if I could give her a makeover too! Nathan is a buddhist now. And Christian? I think I pissed him off slightly. Oops! I'll give him something homemade and get him to forgive me, right right?
I'm going to bed now. Luv!