There's gotta be somebody for me out there...

Hello fellow vixens!
I *HIGHLY* reccommend the new Nickelback song "Gotta be Somebody" (you know, the lead singer, Chad Kroeger sang "Hero", that famous song for the fans of Mr.Spidey! hehe! and like he's Canadian, thank you very much). Definitely = A+

As to where I've been? Well, we had some wild days after Oscar night! So many post-oscar parties, including one featuring a karaoke night! (I love Karaoke) There have also been invitations for a number of parties OUTSIDE the city. For those who have been left behind on the SOCIAL CALENDAR: Monday @ 12:00 was 'Night4show'; Tuesday there was THE social gathering at the main building of the country house (so much pretty people, AND they were giving champagne). Today was tranquility night, and yours truly went out with the delicious Percy twins (aka Nathan and Christian). We went to a place called 'Ligero' (Light for those who don't have a Spanish tongue [or haven't known one ;)]). The food was deli-! I DO suggest the pita chips and the wraps there is are simply grand. Oh. B-T-W...

I've decided on my lent promise! I won't be having any type of sauce, like for 40 days. This of course, means, I will only eat my food with: spices, vinegar, olive oil and salt. I needed to de-tox anyways. I hope God sends me something grand in return for depriving myself of those mouth watering carbonara, puttanesca etc.

Aw... I don't have much else to talk about, plus I'm very tired. I've had QUITE the week (sans sex). Ah... Celibacy is MUCH tougher than what I thought. Buuu-hu!

As for the latest news on the surroundings: Eric is ever getting more attention, eventually his ego will send him far far away. Girlas, if you want a tip with my brother... in these days that he can't eat meat, offer him a nice massage in the shoulders, HE L-O-V-E-S. (you'll get extra points for that). Ashley was sick at the beginning of the week. I notice she doesn't eat much, but I took her some chicken soup and some apple juice (an apple a day...? Keeps the doctor away! Unless the doctor is hot, you don't want him away) I left HER in the arms of her lovey dovey Andre. (who I dated, isn't that strange?). She turned into pulp or pup in his arms. Don't worry Ash: no es un delito, es un deleite. Veronique Reinard (as always love her taste in fashion, VERY proper), still she might want to get off the diet a little! Some meat in those bones wouldn't hurt (and I heard there's a pup who's killing for some fresh meat). Caterina? I haven't talked with her at all... Hmm... I wonder if I could give her a makeover too! Nathan is a buddhist now. And Christian? I think I pissed him off slightly. Oops! I'll give him something homemade and get him to forgive me, right right?

I'm going to bed now. Luv!

Oscar WILD!

And of course, we watched the Oscars @ the G Bar with a great variety of pretty people.

Let's face it! Hugh Jackman: we love you, we want to have your babies (and might they sing and dance like you do, sugar!). Fantastic work, though you could work a bit on the pronounciation, honey (but worry not, with that smiling face we could forgive you just about anything). Let's face it, he made the Oscars entertaining. Simply Fascinating! We hope our Aussie gets invited again! We'd love to see him dance about once more.

Now, to the truly interesting part of the review: FASHION "yes" and "nos". (This review is purely based on my opinions)

Let's start with the purr-fect couple now, shall we? Angelina and Brad were totally astounding. Never have Brangelina delighted as much as when they both appeared together, elegantly dressed in black. What a sexious couple right there! And did you see how he held her? Mm-Mm! Never let go, Brad! You've just about discovered the right ingredient in your ensalada.

Marisa Tomei in white: breathtaking!

Kate Winslet: daring and dazzling!

OMG! Does anyone else think that Anne Hathaway was positively ravishing! Loved the dress; top of the notch! She was glowing (and you were!) Let's hand her another invitation next year too (you pretty up the carpet).

Amy Adams: dress was fresh, gorgeous color, made her look mature and daring. Next year, though, you could do without the frisbee- I mean, necklace.

Penelope Cruz: Loved the EspaƱola. Kudos for pulling it out of an eight year old waiting period (though next time, you might want to freshen it up). Nonetheless, loved the hair, loved the makeup, loved the necklace, and loved the attitude. Well done. Next year make yourself something new though, but keep up the good work!

Meryl Streep: You could've done better... or didn't they pay you that well in Mamma Mia and Doubt? Next time I'll get you my goldfish to make you something better, okay? Ahem, something that doesn't look liked it was the underdress of the dress. Savie?

Mickey Rourke: no offense, you weren't walking into Woodstock, no... that was in 1969, you were walking into the Oscars. Oh, just thought someone should tell you. And NO, that's NOT a tuxedo. See Brad Pitt for some reference on what you SHOULD have worn.

Sean Penn: Adorable. What a delicious man. Wouldn't mind some of his mi--- Oh sorry, vote of celibacy, no naughty thoughts. Bad Lucy!

Robert Downey Jr.: You look great! A bit scared, but great! See? World IS better without drugs.

Phillip Seymour: I get it you want to proove something to the world, but wearing a hat is not it. You might want to wear a golden bow next time, really make a statement.

Beyonce: I'd seen that dress before--- oH Wait, those were the curtains I disposed of last season. Nice, curvy, body though, those curvacious hips served their purpose when it was musical time. A little bit full-er, but that's fine, just lay low on the sweets, we don't want you rolling down the stairs next time.

Sarah Jessica Parker: She wanted to pull a Carrie, pulled a SCA-RY, instead.

Natalie Portman: BEAUTIFUL in Pink, loved it.

Daniel Craig: Can you say, Bond, James Bond? I'd die submerged in those eyes any day.


Vanessa Hudgens: I'm glad she's really into Disney, that dress was Little Mermaid (bottom), meets Snow Wait... yeah you know, those little white butterflies were... Oh... it wasn't meant to represent Disney? Oops.

Miley Cyrus: That was too much of a dress for her to handle. Beautiful dress, but she didn't quite know how to carry it out.

Evan Rachel Wood: Loved the dress, loved the attitude, HATED the hair.

Marion Cotillard: eh.... pAS NON. I KNOW you wanted to go Disney too and imitate the duster from Beauty and the Beast, but, NO.

Amanda Seyfried: I didn't know you were a present, and if I wrapped something up, believe me, I'd make sure the bow was not two times your head.

Zac Efron and Robert Pattison? Talking about fresh meat, I needed to go to the market! Hurray for the upcoming generation! Delicious! Dominique Cooper? Shave. I like you better when you play nice.

Oh, and by the way? The musical Oscar themes? Loved it. Should've kept Hugh more on-screen time! Can I hire him for MY events?

Thank you for tuning. I'm off to the Oscar POST-PARTY. Oh wait, it's 12:08 and they're STILL not over? They should divide these ceremonies into two days: we'd designers be happy, at least! Anyone agree?

Oak for Protection

Some people have asked me before: "what are you wearing around your neck?"

I smile at them. First and foremost, people aren't suppose to see the hidden pendant. Turns out, I carry an oak wood pendant (yes, a fashionable person like me). Once, I wore it sans anything on top of it (on display), and next day most of the girls at my school had one. Well, this pendant has very special meaning to me. I don't wear it because it's a fashion statement (perhaps the only thing which doesn't scream 'a la ultra mode').

Here it is:
And why, do you ask, does Lucille Delton wear such a thing? Well, it turns out that my parents died in a fire accident @ our cabin house three years ago (infra nota, last post). Anyways, there was this oak, that you could say... saved us (me and my brother)? At the end, of the investigation, my family had sold the land and they were going to tear down the tree (it was pretty old too). I decided to safekeep a part of it (I get the feeling it wanted that), and I kept this pendant as a memoir. I consider it my lucky charm.

BTW: Christian is like suuuuuuch a mean teacher. He gives us POP quizzes every now and then. I like want to KILL myself, because I'm SO not good in science. I try to study hard, but when I see these tests I'm like 'Nooooo!'. OMG. I wish I could have Eric's natural smarts. He never studies and aces the subjects, JUST because such good memory. Don't get me started with Ash! That BI-ATCH, gets likes GREAT grades and she seldom goes to class. Meanwhile, I'm working my valentino-dressed tushie to get As in that subject, and I'm like nowhere there! Oh the STRESS.

PS. Benjamin Rockefeller is so C-U-T-E. We <3 your new Ralph Lauren shirt, looks ZO sexy. Veronique's Reinard new bow= A+ deli! I heard Marcus' was seen going out of *H* hotel, naughty youuuu! The *IT* people are going to Elton John's Oscar party tonight. There's a -guaranteed to blow your mind- pre party at Anne Wellington's.

Gotta go! Remember to hold on to your Oscar's popcorn for tonight!

In Fraganti

So! Last night I was supposed to go out with Christian to experience what a 'real' date was like, but he COM-PLETE-LY disappeared. And after I'd dressed up too! I was wearing my beautiful Spring 2009 exclusive black Chanel dress, and my lovely black bow with golden accesories, that looked just to DIE for. And I was stood up! He said he'd be right back and I guess he got busy? I decided that it was NEVER a good thing to waste a good dress (take notes girls), so I called all my amigas feminas (aka girlas <3)>

We had the usual chit chat; had some fun, as usual. Everyone was staring at us. I think the soon to be Duke of Norfolk was there as well (we were having a Britain Regalia apparently) and he was eyeing me quite suspiciously (like the kind of suspicious that make a playmate blush), but I was quite indifferent to his attentions. It was delightful and at the same time positively alarming! I've taken a vote of celibacy until I find true (or a semblant of true) love. It has been quite a task, because men are quite like bubblegum, if you step on them, they seem to grow more and more attached to you (and believe me, you don't want gum on your brand new stilettos). Men seem to grow an appetite towards that which they can't have (like taking candy from a child), and they just want it more. I've always loved the attention of men (especially those who have experience with couture). Now, however, I haven't had sex for a week (that is a lot for me), and even a mere touch sents me into a jolt.

Solution? Working on Pilates! It helps the muscles and de-stresses the mind. I keep myself in shape and let go of all those extra hormones dragging about my body. Ah! Relaxing! Not to say positively astounding for the skin.

As to men, a plunge on ice water should be the cure (as I read in a VH novel).

This morning, I went to have some early breakfast (as tradition demands) with my twin brother, Eric Delton. We've shared this tete a tete since our parents died three years ago. It is completely revitalizing because we have no one drawing us apart any longer (twins have a special bond after all). He's very much like me, and people often accuse us of having the same 'wolfish' grin. I beg your pardon, but it's 'foxy' grin in MY case. He's a wolf, I'm a fox! That's how it usually is with the both of us. And we adore each other. I've never seen a man interested in so much of my crap before!! Ah! Brotherly love! Kudos for the puppy! <3>

I also attempted to talk with Ashley Vasser this morning (who should definitely have a manicure any moment now). She's my 'trainer' (not like Enrique with his excellent Pilates class, highly recommended to). Ashley handles more delicate things. This morning, I genuinely tried keeping a conversation. She said my aura was 'hideous'. What is that supposed to mean? My aura is a bright golden color (Madame Sheila told me herself!) I tried telling her that Madame Sheila had a 99.99% accuracy rate, but it seemed to annoy her further. And I'm really making an effort here. I want to truly become a better person for the mission. Finally, I told her that I'd like to become her friend, genuinely and directly. She blinked. For the first time I noticed the slight flush cover her cheeks and how she turned around embarrassed, but hid it away almost instantly in a 'whatever' murmur. Something in me tells me she's very lonely. It makes me want to share more and more with her (and change her wardrobe! I've only seen her wearing blue like twice!) I gave her some italian chocolates by the end of my lesson and I think I found a way to eventually start something off. That makes me incredibly happy.

Is she lonely? I can understand that. Being alone. I have a lot of people who I love, but sometimes it's just one sided. Could that be the real meaning of loneliness? To be surrounded but have no one truly want to reach out for you? And when do you realize that they are reaching and that you should reach back? I'm not an expert on people's feelings, and I'm usually blind to those strange to my own, but I want to become someone dependable. If I can become just one person's true ray of sunshine; make that person smile, make that person want to see me every day, then life will be worth it. I think I understand you now, Nathan. Falling in love, though painful, is necessary. It's the kind of bittersweet pleasure that breaks you and reconstructs you into a better version of yourself. As long as you're loved, what is truly needed in return.

I guess you've caught me in fraganti. I do believe in love after all. <3

Foxy Lady <3

Well, everybody has a blogspot! It was about time I had one too!

My name is Lucille, but you can call me: Lucy, Luce, Lucky Lucy (thnx Nathan), Foxy etc. I'm quite fond of nicknames, though I also love my name (Lucille Marie). Yes. Yes. Now, before we start, things you should know about me:

  1. I want to be a world famous designer.
  2. I'm incredibly popular
  3. I have red hair and intense blue clear eyes
  4. I L-O-V-E shopping (aka I love clothing)
  5. I own a studio
  6. My favorite fragances are floral scents: Paris by Yves Saint Laurent, Eternity Rose Blush by Calvin Klein, So Pretty by Cartier
  7. I'm a devout fan of continental plates: like Cordon Bleu.
  8. I love tea! (like I have a whole collection of delicious tea bags!)
  9. My favorite color is Rouge (though pink is good too)
  10. I make ANYTHING look good. (give me an Oscar de la Renta and I make it glow)
  11. I take Aerobics classes (and love Pilates too)
  12. I can be a klutz (like a big one)
  13. I have absolutely ZERO interest in video games
  14. I love parties (especially when I host them)
  15. I own over 200 pairs of shoes (oh me!)
  16. I'm a die hard fan of Andy Warhol
  17. When I was little I wanted to be a nun (became a fox instead :P)
  18. My favorite movie is "When Harry Met Sally"
  19. I have a fan club!
  20. Some people say I suffer from ADD. (maybe? Perhaps?)
  21. I like pretty things!
  22. I own a pet goldfish (who I keep in my studio <3)

    Your Outfit Says You're Extroverted

    You are a bit of a wild child, and you don't hide it.
    You have an outgoing, in your face personality.
    You are funny and even a bit outrageous. You love to make people laugh.
    You are a fascinating person. You definitely have some interesting stories to tell.
    Your high end fashion designer match: Diane von Furstenberg
    Your must have accessory: Chic sunglasses

    Your Fashion Style is Trendy

    You love fashion and live to shop
    And keeping up with the latest trends is what you love best
    You know what's in, out, about to be in, and about to be out
    You love to dress your friends and would make a killer celebrity stylist

You Are a Thong

You are daring and outrageous.
You love attention in almost any form, and you'll do a lot to get noticed.
You are proud of your body. You work hard to look good.
Swimsuit season is your favorite time of the year. It gives you a chance to show off your assets!

And this is just a little preview. I should get to my duties.... do I have any right now? :P