Big Bang Theory

Yes. I am completely obsessed with the series. I feel rather nerdy when I watch the show and understand the jokes. This goes completely against my "I'm a fashion star" image. However, I guess I can keep up with both worlds. They're equally entertaining and appealing. I love Sheldon. He's my favorite!

"Whao, Sheldon you're so smart!"
"Smart? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be considered smart."

It's very entertaining and I highly reccomend it when you don't want to study for some dumb exam you're supposed to take tomorrow. Your mind is just not in the mood for it, you know?

I'm always thinking about my future and about love and about all these silly little things that generally trouble women in their 25s when they still don't have a relationship. I mean, I've had my fair amount of men... but now I have to question myself... would I rather have had ONE that's worth it than hundreds that were just a big waste of my time. You'd think "hey, you have the experience". Oh big deal! Experience isn't essential for a relationship. It's not like you gain "experience points" and "level up". Oh boy, I've been watching TOO much Big Bang Theory (BBT). The thing is, each male is a world apart. I might have experience with a lot, but that experience is totally and completely worthless with the upcoming candidate. It's all a pile of Schamooza if you know what I mean!

What is wrong with me, you ask? Well, it's just that right now, I don't know where I'm going related to men. At all. I have friends who are suffering the aftershocks of a breakup. I have friends who have just found the love of their lives. I have friends that have been in love with the same guy ever since 7 years of age. I have all types of friends who live with all types of guys.

What's the difference between me and the rest of the world? I'm beautiful, I know how to cook, I'm funny, I have a great body, I'm good in bed.... well, apparently I'm still lacking the golden piece which men look for. I guess I need a big sign which reads "Lost foxy lady, please give her a home."

Talking about home, I think I'll get another fish tank. I want more fishies to pretty it up.

Remember: Fish are friends, not food.

Bye now!


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