I can see your Halo

I got a new pet!! Her name is Lilo (pronounced like the "Li"from Lie)!! Aint's she cute?
Eric came by to meet her and she BIT him. Now he calls her the "white ferret from hell". I told him that was a mean thing to say and congratulated her for biting him yet again.

For some reason Lilo saw Ashley and ran away from her terrified.

"THAT STUPID RAT!? WHAT THE HELL!!" She stomped her feet. But eventually they met halfway and primate love came through and now they get along.

Leo kept his distance. We all laughed because we thought he was scared, but it turns out he's slightly allergic to animal fur, including in the packet ferrets. So he smiled and kept his distance.

Carol fell in love with the ferret but it also bit her, so she immediately joined Eric's club.

I've had her for two days now and I'm very happy. I think I've done a good job taking care of her. She hasn't bit me. I mean, the occassional nibble, but that's normal with ferrets. She's very playful and a great companion. I'm glad I chose her as a pet.

Oh, she also bit Sammy.

She really is cute!! Tee-hee!


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