New Colors

I have changed the blog display entirely. I even changed the old fishies and the new ones are multicolored. They look so pretty I spent fifteen minutes staring at them before I remembered I had entered the site to write a new entry.

The main reason why I updated is because my friend, Marie, couldn't comment on the previous template. And I'm really thankful she pinpointed that fact, and i'm also glad I ended up changing the previous layout. This one looks so pretty. I'm really happy!

I'm listening to Miley Cyrus. I really like her "The Climb" song. It is rather inspirational. You know, now that I think about it, I own a Pink Beetle, I like Hannah Montana and I'm a fashion freak.... I'm quite a specimen, aren't I?

God, help me. I REALLY don't want to hurt people. I actually like humanity. I have faith we can get along some day (even if on occassion I will burst into the usual 'I'm so disappointed' at things tantrum). I'm working on this though. I wish we could all get along. I wish we could all forgive and be forgiven. I wish we could work together for a better tomorrow. I really doooo tryyy to do my beeest! It's not my fault if I screw up! I hope everyone knows that I really mean no harm! I'm innocenttt! T___T

Anyways, this morning I went to my usual bakery place (as I do every day) and afterward I spent the whole day at work. Only at night did I drive by Marie's, but there was a crisis over there, I helped in what I could and afterwards left back to my place. I just finished getting dressed and I'm planning to have fun tonight. I want to steadily move forward. I believe i'm going to make it. I'm glad I'm loved. I'm happy that I've found friends in both Vero and Marie. I hope I can grow into a better person with each day and that I don't disappoint them.

I'm going to make it. Slowly, steadily, I'm seeing a bright future ahead. I'm a little scared, but it'll be alright (or so I tell myself every day).

Please pray for me! :D


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