

Guess what? They played matchmaking today. And I was just like one of these kids back in elementary which don't get picked into any of the teams, and then like the team leaders are "aww, do we HAVE to take them?" And here I was thinking that I was at the top of my game. Worst part is that I ended back with Christian. Yep. **See the Stupid entry below.

Bloody Arrow. I thought my life was supposed to be balanced! And this just throws me right off! I mean, I know we were going to be friends and start from the beginning! But how is it that I ended right back with Christian! I called my sensei to rant about it! You know what he said! That maybe the target I think I want to focus on is not the target I'm destined to hit. I KNOW! That doesn't make sense at all!

Balance. Think Balance. I'm going to think positive. I'll handle this in a mature, womanly form. I'll be okay. This will be okay. Even though like I'm shaking with nerves, I'll be fine.



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