The toilet is on the floor.

No. Wait. The toilet is the floor?

The toilet in my hotel room is awesome. But this... this gives me goosebumps. I HAD to take a picture on my sidekick and blog about it, because I am in horror.

We're at a traditional restaurant. I'm with part of the executives of the fashion show, some designer friends, and we're celebrating the first day of the show, which turned out to be marvelous. I need to go to the bathroom, I excuse myself and find this:


Oh. You've got to be kidding me.

As I look around the room. I find THIS:


Oh, so help me GOD, I am NOT squatting, as though I were in some grass field. NO WAY. I can't DO that. Though colorful and pinkish, it's all so disturbing I exit the room and go back to the table. My face is pale. They ask me what's wrong, but I can't insult their tradition, let alone can I tell them that I really need TO PEE, but won't do so because I refuse to squat.

The evening slows considerably. Every time someone mentions water, I get dizzy. 20 minutes later, squatting doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

"Alright, for the main course now." says a friend.

My eyes widen in horror.

I had to do it.


I'm not liking Japan so much anymore.

We leave the restaurant and head towards one of those shows, where you watch geishas dancing to the pretty sound of the music. Okay much better.

Have to go now! Ciao! :D

btw. I miss my BF!! T_T


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