La Buena Vida

Did I mention that I speak various languages? Well, this entry is in Spanish because I just saw a movie from Chile and I'm inspired to write it like that so...

Tuve la oportunidad de ir al cine con mis tios. Fue una experiencia algo extraña puesto que más que una opción se trataba de una obligación familiar. La sala del cine se encontraba repleta; no podía creer que hubiese tantas personas en un festival.

Fue así como la película terminó y me dejó apabullada, deprimida, frustrada, empapada en la tristeza de cuatros extraños que vivían para nunca alcanzar sus objetivos. Se trata de "La Buena Vida", pero realmente no es más que LA vida. Excelente cinematografía, mas en un mundo de tantas preocupaciones era de poca delicadeza. Tan real, tan brusco, que no recobré mi aliento hasta que llegué a salir de la sala. Pocas palabras pueden describir el sentimiento. Ya no me siento triste, no obstante sigo pensando en la película. Y es que la vida viene de tantos sabores y muy pocas veces logramos nuestros objetivos. Después sólo queda la muerte. Y entonces ya dejamos de existir y quienes fuimos queda en el corazón de quienes nos amaron.

Anyways, over that's it for the movie. I think it was beautiful. Sad, but beautiful. We don't always get what we want, but while we're alive, we have to make it count.

True true true.

Zero Passive-Agressiveness

Yes... Zero Passive-Agressiveness, that was the title, but now that I started writing the blog I suddenly feel tired and lazy. Well, I've had a lot of work these days. I've had interviews from differente fashion magazines, I've had a lot of people petitioning me new dresses. I've also had to design some shoots. It has been nonstop. Plus, I've had some shoots myself. I was speaking to Tyra this morning and she tells me she wants me to be a special judge in the Oct. 12th week, but I told her it would be impossible for me, because I have this big conference in Washington. Yeah. Busy lady this time around.

I'm so tired, it's not even funny.

I have also gone out EVERY day of the week. Why? Because I'm having fun. I'm enjoying myself. I go out either with Vero, Marie, Samuel, friends from the industry, models, etc. It's highly entertaining and I get to relax.

I don't have a boyfriend. People seem to have this wrong idea that they OWN me or something, which they DON'T. I don't deny it. I want to have a boyfriend, therefore if you know someone who's interested in a hot, smart, knows how to cook, designer, knows about computers etc. girl, then please approach me at once. Meanwhile, I'm just not in any type of compromise right now. And this is the entire truth.

I'm not being mean, I don't want to hurt feelings, I don't want to get my feelings hurt, this is totally true.

Tonight I'm going to the movies. Can't wait.

Did I mention? I have a lot of work? yes?

haha! Must go! :D

Excuse Me, Pardon Me

I'm doing therapy with Rudyard. It has helped. I've decided to take things slowly and calmly. I've discovered that every time I go through one of those crazy adrenaline phases I end up back in blue land feeling all down. That had to change. I'm trying to create true bonds, and I'm talking things out. My passive agressive behaviour does not allow me to grow, therefore I'm trying to be more outspoken.

I went drinking with Vero just two days ago and have been spending a lot of time with Marie. I've also been talking more and more with Samuel and I think I'm steadily getting better. I love danger, I love experiences that give you a new high, but I do that because I'm trying to cover for the things I don't do.

I'm officially back into the store, I'm designing again. I'm painting again. I decided to paint my room and just draw and enjoy the sweet little things of life. Slowly, casually, this time I'm making it right. I love modelling. I love art. I love creating. Therefore I'm also working on reestructuring a bit. It's currently two stories big, but we're building a whole new studio so that Samuel can do the photography too. I was even thinking of expanding it to include a model agency. The plans are there. I was talking with a friend of mine who's an architect and he'll be working on that soon enough. I think it's a very good idea.

Ashley Vasser (yeah, you all know her I'm sure) asked me to be in one of her videos.

"Huh? You're kidding me!" I gasped. I was both excited and honored!

"Lucille..." she smirked "Couldn't think of anyone better to fill in the part for fragile porcelain doll who's about to break but's waiting for a prince to save her."

I frowned. That was mean, but she did have a point. Who cared!? I was going to be in an Overdose video! Fantastic! :) I totally agreed.

And today was a good day. Caroline was supposed to present her thesis, but it got moved to next week. She was so relieved she fainted. I had been invited to some coffee to celebrate the happy news. It was nice to be back in Canada for the day.

"I SWEAR, I was going to CRY out of sheer happiness!" Carol laughed.

"I heard something about there being a possibility of it getting published?" I asked

"YESSSSSS!! That makes me HAPPY as FUCK!"

"Caroline was so nervous she was literally shaking ALL night. She was begging me to give her something to soothe her down. Geez, I'd never seen someone become such a wreck for such a little thing." My cousin Leo sat next to her and brushed his wife's hair.

"LITTLE? You call a DOCTORAL thesis LITTLE? This is the biggest thing that will ever happen to me!"

Eric laughed "Not to mention, it raises her paycheck a good 40%"

"EXACTLY! Not the same to have a PHD than just a JD!"

"PHD, JD, PD, LD = Pretty Huge Dick, Junior Dick, petite dick, little dick, all sounds the same to me." Ash smirked

"That's great coming from you, Mrs 'I'm a total musician with my Berklee degrees'." Carol stuck her tongue at her. They were cousins.

"Well, I think it's pretty commendable." I intervened "Writing almost 400 pages of pure shit is quite a task!"

Everyone laughed, except Carol "HA-HA-HA!" but then she smiled happily.

Yes. This was one of THOSE days. When everyone is feeling slightly better and things seem to be cool and calm.

"Hey! I heard Mr. A-hole pulled a new one! He's suddenly in love with RORY? Isn't that hardcore?" Ash asked. "He actually broke up with Vero and I think he finally ended up breaking Marie's heart once more. What was left of it anyways." Ashley = Marie lover.

"Well!" Carol in defense of her best friend shushed her up "He's found true love. You should know how THAT feels like. I, for one, am happy for him. We all have to seek our own happiness, even though that sounds selfish, it's TRUE."

"True? I don't think Kyle understands what's going on inside his head, less alone inside his cold and wretched HEART!"

Carol stood up, eyes flaring. "That's MY BEST FRIEND YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!"

"MARIE'S MY FRIEND! You might want to justify being selfish, but that doesn't mean he aught to be stepping over people's feelings like that! And God, I can't believe it, I'm saying this in Vero's name too! HER SISTER? Her PERFECT, parents adore her sister? That's like LAME-O!"

"Who died and made YOU the saviour of the PEOPLE! What are you now? You evolved into the simian version of Jesus!?"

Green eyes ignited. "What did you call me?"

This was highly entertaining, but if we didn't want to get kicked out of the restaurant I had better stop them. Leo and Eric were trying to, but as it usually happens with men, they were useless. Quietly, but with brute strength I pulled them both down and took a sip of my tea. They stared at me.

"What?" I blinked. They couldn't believe I had interrupted their tirade. "Listen. Neither of you can fight their battles. You both want happiness for the people you each love. However, we have to create a balance. Fighting for a loved one, wanting to avenge a loved one sometimes might lead to more fighting. Fighting just leads to hate and then we won't get anywhere. Therefore, we must be supportful. It's the only thing we can do."

I saw Ash gawking at me. Carol blinked several times. They each took a gulp from their respective beverages.

Eric crossed his arms. "Being supportful, huh... sounds like a plan."

Leo was sitting next to me and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and whispered. "Nice going cousin, you have calmed the beasts." he winked at me.

"I think we all just want support and lots of love in the end. I'm glad they can defend someone like that. They care so much and they're not afraid to show it. Sometimes I wish I could do that. Express my feelings in that way."

"Well, you're not them. And believe me, I'm glad you aren't. Besides... you have a bigger challenge before you. Before you can love someone to such extremes, you have to appreciate yourself. But, being the way you are is not bad at all."

I looked at him, our similar blue eyes meeting. "You think so?"

"I know so." he smiled "I love you and believe in you. You are not alone, baby cousin."

I smiled happily. Among them all I felt really happy.


And we laughed some more. I had to return home soon enough, but I wish our time together wouldn't end.


The best thing about Milan Fashion Week is the fact that you barely have time to think. There are models to deal with, clothing flying from here to there, stress, photographs, press etc. It seems to be endless, the huge amount of things I must do. Though I model, I also design and my designs are highly acclaimed. I'm glad about that. People like my clothing. They like what I do. They applaud me for it. After all the huge amoust of work, I guess it pays off.

"What are you doing out here?" Samuel approached me from behind.

I was sitting at the fountain. It was dark outside and there was no one around. I just wanted the peace and quiet.

"You look like a mess." Sammy sat there next to me.

Yes, well, after running from here to there I felt like crawling over and just dying. My mascara was slightly blotched, I'd lost the lipstick, I had taken off my heels. I felt just like how I looked: a disaster. Fashion week itself was more like an obligation. I was thankful that I had to be pushed to do it, but I couldn't deny that I was down on the slumps. I was trying to fight through, I was trying to see the light. I was doing all that I could not to develop an alter personality that would serve as an escape to all the problems I was facing.

"Are you smoking?" Samuel gasped.

I was. It was de-stressing. It took away any semblance of hunger I might have, which allowed me to have more time to do more things. And smoking was also semi-smoothing.

"Helloooooooo... are you there? I'm TALKING to you?"

I looked at him and then shook my head. "I'm here. Barely, but here nonetheless."

He stared at me. "You know. You don't have to do this if you don't like it; the whole fashion week thing, I mean."

"I do like it."

"You look positively miserable! Sure, in there you're all smiles and thrills but I know you better!"

I sighed. "I like it. I just feel overall miserable with my life, alright?"

"And why is that?"

"A lot of reasons. I'm already talking it all out with Rudyard and such." I looked down "I just feel stuck, and ready to just give up. Why... no matter what I do, I always come back to square one and end up feeling like shit. I love you and you're my best friend, but I feel like I'm closed up in this far away place... and I just want to run and get away from it all. Why can't I just be happy? I want to be happy. I want to be accepted and loved and cared for and protected. I don't want to feel like a burden, like I'm a failure at everything I do...." I wanted to cry. AGAIN. I was so pathetic.

Sammy wrapped an arm around me. "You are ever the perfectionist. Happiness doesn't happen in ONE second. You can't have it all. It's okay..." he sighed and placed a hand on my head "you're greatest problem is that you do everything and hence you're not satisfied by one thing. Hey, it's okay if you fail, it's okay if you feel like shit, we all do. You already do enough. As for loving you and accepting you and protecting you, I'm here for you. And I'll always be. I know you're in a dark place. You're trying to desperately swim through. Just, take things slowly, you'll figure it out. You're smart, sexy, beautiful, and you will figure it out."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"No, I know you too well. You don't really need me to tell you this. You have me, and you know it. I know you're thankful for it, but it's not enough for you. You need actions, you really do need someone who will shake some sense into you, and I'm not really that person. I'm your confident, you're amigo, but I can only get so far."

"That's not..."

"That's exactly it." He laughed good naturedly "I'm more like your go to GIRL than the kind of person you need right now. But it's alright, Lucille." he grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "I'm not going to let you fall. I'm not going to let you go into that place you say you might end up. You might be free to give up on yourself, but I surely am not giving up on you."

I hugged him. "I know."

"Know then." he grabbed my arm, threw the cigarrette from my mouth and took out various makeup items from his pocket. "I'm not letting your HOT ass freeze in this place." he rapidly placed a bunch of products in my face and murmured "Perfecto."

I laughed as he pulled me towards the show. "Lucille, smile, you're the face of this fashion week, you're my star. Shine."

When I went back in I was truly smiling. I really thank him for not letting go.

Lucky Lady

Remember those shoes in America's next Top Model?

Yeah. Well. I can do that too. See?

As for news. Nothing has changed much. I'm now completely into modelling these days, and since I win enough money, am popular and like the attention, I could say I'm doing rather well. I have received various phone calls from my old work, but, it's just because they're worried about my safety. How nice! Nathan has gone MIA and so has the rest of the community apparently. Marie is back with Kyle, she's apparently forgiven Caroline, Giovanni's still with Elena though praying he might hit if off with Vincenzo... Rink and Ashley are still lovey dovey, Eric and Vero are apparently going to have sex, and the world is still moving.

"You seem way out of it..." Samuel stared at me. I was slightly concentrated on my computer. I was still wearing the heavy makeup from the last session.

"I'm in, I'm in, don't mind me." I replied and hastily shook of his frowning expression with a hand gesture.

"Then what are you thinking about?" he sounded slightly exasperated.

"A genius is always thinking about a lot of things."

He ignored my modesty. "Really? I'm asking what kind of things."

"Well, for instance, while I model and while I work as a model, I might start another project of my own, kinda like Celine you know? It was such an entertaining piece of work. Plus, it's my favorite hobbie to steal from the Deltons! <3"

"Technically, it wasn't stealing, because your bro, aka big boss, is that plane's master."

"Yeah, well, who cares?" I closed my computer and stared at him. "Maybe I should apply for the Miss Universe contest..."

He blinked several times. "You really DO suffer from ADD."

"So I've been told." I stood up and ordered the check. "Samuel. I need a boyfriend. Get me one."

"Oh honey, unless you want them to see you and go for your BROTHER, I really do suggest you ask someone else. Maybe one of those fans will do you the favor!"

"I'll be doing THEM the favor." I swirled my hips and left the restaurant. Sammy followed.

Because you Asked for It---

How to suck on a lollipop
brought to you by Foxy Lady

1. Grab the lollipop in your hand, weigh it and measure it, making sure it is your desired flavor and texture.

2. Unravel the lollipop from its wrap with your fingers carefully. It is important that you use the very tips of your fingers to give your lollipop love. Uncover it slowly, taking in its color, its size, and lick your lips in anticipation as you imagine you will soon have it inside your mouth.

3. Once you remove the wrapping, evaluate the lollipop. Appreciate it, already tasting it with just your eyes, appraising it properly and for the necessary period of time to increment your need to have it.

4. Bring the lollipop close to your mouth, open your lips and place them at its very top, sliding your lips on top of its hard texture, leaving the imprint of its possible flavor upon them. Once you feel like giving it the first taste, place your open lips at the top and let your tongue slide, licking the tip pleasurably.

5. When you feel satisfied with the tip, open your mouth slightly wider so as to allow your tongue to lick its entire length. It is important that you take your time to lick as much as you like until your tongue is full with its flavor.

6. Once satisfied, move your tongue as your mouth covers its surface, trying new approaches so as to acquire different tastes of the lollipop that vary according to location. Lick in straight tongue strokes and then try a circular motion. This will send shivers of pleasure down your spine, and you will desire more of the lollipop as you progress. The product of the rough texture of the lollipop against your tongue will result in an implosion of flavors of unprecedent proportions.

7. Pull the lollipop into the warmth of your mouth, sucking on it deliciously. First, nibbling the top and then sucking it whole, pulling it in and out of your mouth so as to create frissons of sugary desire inside you. As you complete the in and out movement with your mouth, try to compliment this action with the move of your tongue.

8. Remember to take your time. Once you are done with the sucking and tonguing, make sure you drink every last bit of flavor from your lollipop. As you're done, swallow its wonderful taste and lick your lips as you have purposely sucked it entirely.

9. Once you are finished, take the lollipop stick and put it to good use.


Lucille ~

Red Hot HOT Chili <3

Nathan smirked "Strong girls go weak hardest and most pleasantly."

I nodded and walked towards him, placing my finger against his chest, a delicioius curve upon my lips and I just knew I had that sparkle in my eye; the sparkle that appears when I'm up to no good. "We strong girls also gnaw and bite, so be careful."

"I'm not afraid of your little kitten claws. Meow." He said smiling

Mm... but the weapons I have are more potent than claws." I laughed softly "Do you have any protection against them?"I turned around slightly, raising my shoulder just a bit, and looking at him from under long eyelashes. Behold the explosion of pheromones!

Nathaniel's eyes became dark with a sheen of maliciousness to them. He quirked his lips. "I don't know. Want to find out, just how much I can resist you?" He pulled me softly by the waist until I was pressed against him. "How much I can attempt to torture you?" He whispered against my ear. He moved his mouth so that he was talking right above my lips but not kissing me, just letting our breaths mingle. "Just for pleasure? Reveal how much of a masochist you truly are...? He took my wrists and held both my hands clasped behind my back, still pressing me against him, he stroked my inner thigh gently "And how much of a sadist I really am?" He smirked "And how much you'd enjoy it?" He let his fingers slip slightly up my skirt, only touching higher, but not 'there'.

I smiled and gasped sweetly. "I was made to pleasure..." And I said this in a tone that was meant to send shivers down the spine of any man. "If you want me to be a masochist, I'll beg for your torture" I lifted my leg slightly so as to allow his hand to slide up my skin. "If you want to be a sadist, I'll indulge your every whim." I whispered the words right in the sensitive spot under his earlobe. "I don't mind taking it to wherever you want to take it, as long as you take me..... somewhere" I added with a naughtly naughty smile; my lips parting softly in invitation.

And no, we didn't have sex, but we did play naughty for a while. But it's so HOT between us both. I can feel it. When I'm with Nathan I can be myself. I can be free, I have no pressures about having to keep an image. I am. Period. We accept each other. We feel comfortable around the other. I finally found someone that can accept me for who I am and I'm deliriously happy. We are in so many ways alike and in so many others, different. However, when we're together, it's like an implosion of flavors. Sometimes it's extremely sensual, to the point where you think you've reached the heavens in utmost pleasure. Other times, it just feels so right.

After we played amongst ourselves (I got to give him a special pink kiss <3 tee-hee.), we were starved, and I ordered some special Milanese pizza. They say... that when one person TRULY accepts you for who you are, just like that, then you can truly move on from any situation and overcome any obstacle. I'm happy. Very Very Very happy. Because... I'm not alone anymore; Nathan's with me, and we've become such great friends. Because I like him and he likes me too. Because it's nice to have someone not question your way of being. Because he's taught me SO much and I'm so VERY thankful.

Nathan, I <3 You! :)
- Naughty Lady/ SheFox.


Day 6- Swim with Dolphins


Got up at 4:00 am because I could barely sleep last night. I tossed and turned, until finally I realized that I wouldn't be able to rest anymore. Damn it. I walked around the house about ten times, staring at the clock next to my night table over and over. At 6:00 I picked up really neat sportswear and decided to run around the street. Some morning exercise was really good. There's a bakery very near my house, after running I went there, and just sat down.


I turned to see two teenage girls staring at me, wide-eyed.

"Hello?" I blinked, and smiled at them. I was wondering if they were offering something. At the moment I was having butter cookies and hot chocolate.

"You're Lucille Delton, aren't you?"

"I am."

"We saw your latest collection in Vogue, and we fell IN LOVE with it! We phoned your studio, but your assistant told us you were taking a break..."

After about an hour of chatting (yes, they sat with me), I had agreed to make them the designs they were dying for, and they also complimented me on my most recent magazine covers.

I can't deny I felt sort of proud. Okay, I felt very proud, and that made me feel giddy. I thought I wanted to escape the world of fashion clothing designing, but I rather like that. And if I don't have one way of channeling my creativity I feel kinda stuck. I rather liked modelling and designing, and decorating. However, I wanted to do so with no pressure. I think I was trying to pressure myself too much, and I needed to take things much more slowly: breathing and enjoying each moment.

A cup of hot chocolate, while sitting in a pretty Italian bakery was such a delightful experience. Besides, this was my neighborhood. EVERYONE knew who I was. It felt so familiar and nice. I phoned Samuel, and he was there almost immediately (we live nearby). Sad to say, nowadays he's a pretty calm gay. He no longer wears woman's clothing (unless Eric is around) because he has an image to keep; he's a professional photographer and also fellow designer. When he came in, tall, dressed in black, with sunglasses pulling some of black bangs back, and a pony tail, I almost confused him with someone straight.

"Sammy!" I smiled

"Darling, I L-O-V-E this place." And... his personality was ever the same one.

"I know. Remember? We used to have breakfast here every day!"

"Mi amor, and whatEVER happened to us? We've become so... SERIOUS."

"Tell me about it. Well actually, I have a 10:00 am appointment. I'm going to swim with Dolphins today."

He laughed so hard, half the people at the pretty shop turned around to stare at us. "Swim with dolphins? Is that like a new way of saying 'I'm SO not getting any'?"

"No. That's a new way of saying 'mind your business I happen to like dolphins'. Besides, it's a thirty day trial period where I get to do EVERYTHING I've ever wanted to do."

"What's the point!? You have the rest of your life to do it!"

"Well, that's exactly it. If you leave things for later then you really won't do them."

"Amigaaaaaa....." I had been sitting in a small sofa. He stood up from his chair and sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. "We need to get you a macho macho maaaan! I want to be A MACHO MAN!"

I started laughing. "Listen, if YOU start with that subject I will kill you!"

"But why darling? If I weren't gay, I'd fuck you myself, OH wait, been there done that..." he patted my shoulder "Though I'd SOOOOOOOO do it again."

"Oh please, Samuel." I was still laughing. Sammy was like my best friend since forever. We were born and I swear our little cribs were one next to the other. I spoke to him EVERY day, but since he'd moved in with his BF I was seeing him less and less in what were 'friend moments'. It was more like, every time we saw each other, it had something to do with work.

"You're living with that delicious NATHAN. I would so totally do him like right away."

"He is not a WHORE...." I stared at him

And then we both laughed singing "BUT HE LIKES TO DO IT" and cracked up. Again everyone was staring at us.

He laughed a little more then whispered "What is it with all these people suddenly in Milan???"

"I don't know, but there's a big mess going around. I'm expecting the details soon enough because I'm pretty much confused."

"Well, do tell me soon enough, it's getting rather boring! By the way, I brought you the picture of your last shoot. It's beautiful and I love it if you ask me."

I smiled at him. "You're leaving?"

"I have to go work work. And YOU have to go swim swim. I would rather you go FUCK FUCK, but you're such a PRUDE these days. I'd be you, I'd totally go and fuck the cute guy in the table near the kitchen door."

I laughed, and looked at him smirking. "Place your bet." We always did this. Most of the craziest things I did when younger were thanks to our bet and will do game. He could bet me I would go an orgy and I'd go. He would bet that I do a girl and I would. At least I can I lived.

"Oh fuck off! You know we can't do it like before!"

"No. But it doesn't mean we can't do it!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh YAY! Okay. I bet you 50 euros you don't dare go Vampire on him, AND you touch his little wee wee!"

I smiled, standing up. "Looks like breakfast is on today..."

I walked towards the young man, sex Goddess drive on. "Excuse me..." I slightly slid onto the table, giving him a great view of my entire body, keeping a slightly inviting expression on my face.

"Y-yes?" You immediately know when a man finds you desirable. This guy was already hard.

"Are they giving you good service?" I moved closer to him, and I think I saw him drool a little.

"It's getting better." He smiled at me with a frisky expression.


And then, of course, the NEVER TOO OLD TO USE 101 TRICK: I spilled a little water on his thigh.

"Oh! Let me get that for you, sir." In one swift movement I was a) touching his wee, b) giving him my phone number as a whisper aka, also took advantage and bit him. "Ciao." I winked.

"CIAO BELLA! I WILL CALL YOU!" He was shouting behind me as I left the shop

Sammy grumbled. "Should've made you suck on it... 50 Euros now a days is big money!"

"Enough money to buy me a breakfast!" I laughed happily and ran ahead of Sammy.

Day 5- Scuba Diving

The funny thing is that I did go to Scuba Dive in the morning. But then I had this great inspiration to just go and have my pictures taken. I wanted to feel all like a model once more. I guess I can do both: model and write. Hell, I can do whatever I want to do. But there is something about exposing my body and posing for a camera that I just love.

Actually... I love modeling my body, I feel comfortable with my body.

Who's up for some rough sex at this hour?

Just kidding!

Or maybe not ;)

Foxy Lady <3

Any comments for the picture? I'm sorry about the comments section, but it's not really working, and I rather like the flowers so I'm not chaning the template just yet. You can send me the comments via email ;)

Day 4- Learn to Water Ski

OMG. I'm dead beat. This morning it was all about the water skiing.

It was SO much fun. There's something about feeling the water rush under your feet that just makes you feel alive. LOVE it!

Although RIGHT now, I just need to sleep! I'm SO tired! And with reason! Pretty intense and this is only the fourth day. Whao. It's gonna get better.

Day 3- Go Sky Diving

Get Ready for it!

Day 2- Monster Truck

This is day 2 of Nathan and mine's bucket list, and let's be honest. I've always wanted to ride a monster truck, nothing like having a big truck under you to make you feel alive! And how those engines roar! I hear that if you can handle one of those, you can handle anything, and I do like my things rather big.

Least to say, I feel especially dirty. I woke up early and it took me nearly two hours to choose the RIGHT outfit. I needed to pull the cowgirl look after all (since we were going to be in an arena).

I decided to go for the Daisy Duke style from the Dukes of Hazzard. I'm sure you all saw Jessica Simpson back then when she didn't look like the COW part of the COWGIRL.

I'm talking about this look of course:

Instead of the shorts though, I mixed the outfit with a pair of tight jeans. I think it's better to drive with jeans than with shorts (most of the time!) Arr! Naughty girl! Take the rope and tie me down! hehe!

<------- these are the jeans.

See? Those jeans look MUCH better with the pink blouse. Besides, my favorite color is pink. Might as well have it there somewhere today.

So, yes! These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do, one of these days, these boots will walk all over you!

Yeehaa, boys ;)

Couldn't Resist

Samuel just took a picture of me for his new magazine cover and I couldn't help but showing it to you guys.


Any comments?

The 30 day Schedule


I feel much better now. I'm very sorry for the breakdown, and take back some of the things (not all of them, mind you). Anyways, just to leave everything clear, here's the 30 day schedule Nathan must do along with me [he has designed a 30 day sex list schedule for me as well]. The rule: we must do like we're told like little good girl and boy, BUT if the other manages to DISUADE the other from doing what he/she planned to do for that day, he/she gets to be boss the next day (regardless what was originally planned).

Taking into account that premise, here is my list:

1. Anything comes, anything goes, healthy relaxing before the mojo.

2. Race a Monster Car in a Monster car Competition

3. Go sky diving

4. Learn to water ski

5. Go scuba diving

6. Swim with Dolphins

7. Drive a racecar

8. Learn to fly a plane

9. Photography for a day (in Venice)

10. Visit the Titanic

11. Direct a short documentary on why people should be Pro-choice (in Vatican city :P)

12. Do Graffitti art in the streets

13. Go on Safari (as in actually go to Africa)

14. Attend a Native American Sweat Lodge Ceremony

15. Learn to Pan for Gold

16. Give out free hugs in a busy city sidewalk (and take pictures)

17. Go to Japan, attend and learn real tea ceremony

18. Learn how to drive a Gondola (venice)

19. Go Hiking

20. Go eat at the Heart Attack Grill (eat any of the bypass burguers)

21. Go rafting in the grand canyon

22. Learn to surf

23. Learn to Horseback

24. Learn how to do Henna Body Art

25. Get a tattoo

26. Go hunting

27. Go hiking

28. Say "Yes" to everything in a day (no disuading is valid this day :P)

29. Visit to the Taj Mahal (eat typical Indian food with hands)

30. Go see the Northern Lights

Nathan, better pack up your batteries, we're in for a thrill. :)

The Calculator

Yes, well, after a breakdown [again...] I decided I'm still going to move forward and still give it my best, and still advance as much as I can, and still be someone, someone I want to be.

Nathaniel moved in with me yesterday, and yes, bloody Nathaniel, I'm a spoiled princess, boo hoo, don't you see my crown? I wear it every night to sleep! If I want to complain and mope, let me do so, it's not like you're GOD. Besides, I've never disappeared to Tibet until I settled my inner emotions [and let's hope I don't get to that].

Ok, I'm trying. You don't get that, do you? It's not easy because I don't know what I want or who I can even be anymore. And this is my BLOG, I get to post all my feelings, if you have a problem don't read it! [though thanks to those who do put up with it].

So this is my moment to find what I want. I'm a bit lost, but I can work it through. If I was able to beat Nathaniel and Christian and Dominoes, I might as well figure this out. I mean, there's no rule for life, but there's gotta be a way. This is like a small cocktail of tastes, and I'm just going to see which one I like the most. Now, let's see. Ahem. Things I like:

1. Archery/Tai Chi/ Exercise/ Love working my Body (maybe I should be a personal trainer? hehe! That would be fun, not to mention I'd get to wear those awesome tights that show off my body)

2. Cooking! [I like cooking, but I like cooking for people. See, Vincenzo I love cooking for because he appreciates good food. :) I do hope Nathan is right and he drops by. He knows how to treat a woman)

3. Computers/Softwares [I've already worked for the government in this aspect, but I still appreciate technology quite a lot, but not really something I want to do my job in, plus I already have a Ph.D in engineering and such :P haha! What a waste! Though sounds cool!]

4. Decorating [I decorated a wedding once, and it turned out beautifully, AND I designed a wedding dress. Okay. Wedding Planner? Wouldn't that be ironic! Though I have to admit, it is rather funny! hehe]

5. Painting [an artist? Hmm... I do like painting a lot... that comes with loving to design?]

6. Travelling! [I love getting to see new places]

Hmm... maybe I should become some sort of writer. I could travel, illustrate and right... in my computer! X) Okay, sorry that was funny for a second. But hmm... I never really did consider writing and I happen to like it quite a bit, whether it be gossip, or biographies, or any of that stuff, I really like writing... imagining adventures, imagining other worlds, new characters. OMFG. I think I know what I'm going to try out next. And since I can always steal the money from the Delton accounts... I could have the exact type of life I wanted. And if I do something naughty? I was investigatiiiiing.

A writer.

Hmm. I like how that sounds.

A lot.

Sounds kinda sexy too, dirrrty.

By the way. I'm just trying new things out. Might as well, huh! But I like that.... I really really like that. Omg. Why had I not thought about it before?

I can cook, I can travel, I can exercise, I can WRITE! And something to eternally entertain myself with, and so many characters that just POUR out my mind! >)

Okay. I can do this. I think we have a winner!

Admitting Defeat...?

I'm at work. I'm tired and I've had nothing to eat in the whole day. I want to scream. In fact, for the first time in my life, I don't really care about the lives I'm saving or the people I'm helping with my actions. Does that make me a bad person? When I took this job, I knew it was a one way road. You live to serve. Even though you don't get the thanks you deserve, you have to do your best. Once in a while they'll give you a badge and they'll promote you.

And what's the point of getting promoted if it just means more work? What's the point of even being ambitious if at the end of the day your efforts are being recognized with more work? What's the point of it all!?

And my grandmother's words came back to me "All that genius being wasted..."

I wonder... what if?

I mean, what the hell is wrong with all of you!? Bloody Poodles and Bloody Chihuahuas, it's like we were in kindgarten; get over yourselves. Perfect or Imperfect, what the hell do you care if you're a freakin' masturbator? Ugh. Not freakin', FUCKING. What the hell am I to you all? The nice sister, the doubtful girl. PRETTY. I'm fucking pretty. I'm a doll... IF I HEAR that one more time I'm going to retch. That's great, I'm beautiful. But my personality is fucking good as well. I'm never being heard, I'm always being ignored, I'm supposed to be something because that's what's expected of me. Here comes the fashion artiste, here comes the police girl. I'm always shouting out to the world and it's never listening to me. Never. I'm alone. And the others might not mind, but I do. I'm tired of saving everyone when no one's saving me. I'm tired of fighting for peace, when everyone is always looking for war. I'm sick of being treated like I'm stupid for what I'm standing for.

I've been humiliated, ignored, embarrassed for long enough. I've cared about others expecting something in return. I was so wrong. In the end, we all fend for ourselves. A smile is not returned with a smile in this world. I don't want the riches or the ambitions, but I want the freedom and the recognition.

So let's stop kidding ourselves, right? In the end, if you're good they'll just screw you over. In the end, trying to seek friendship and hoping for the best, gets you down. In the end, when you hope for something it all falls down and breaks. So why hope at all? Why even expect something from people when all they do is disappoint you. I'm sorry, my expectations were to high. No. Wrong. I shouldn't have expected anything from anyone in the first place.

Am I admitting defeat? Yes, I fucking am admitting defeat. I've lost my faith on people. Officially. Humankind is destined to rot and swell up and die. Humankind is evil to its kin. No one will cut you a break if you give them the benefit of the doubt. No one will give you a second chance. So I'm young and I'm pissed, and I don't care anymore.

I don't care about designing anymore; I don't want to dress up people. Screw fashion, unless I wear it. Interpol? I already filed in my resignation. Whatever. They can't stop me. What I'm going to do? Who the hell cares? Maybe I'll take over Eric's little throne. Maybe I WILL be the first female to lead the Deltons. Why not? Maybe I'll go to Japan and visit Tokyo Tower. Why not? Whatever I want. Whatever I feel like doing. Whatever makes me feel like the damn great fucking woman that I am.

That's what I'm doing, and if you have a problem. He. For the first time...

... I don't give a damn.

Gone Bad?

"I don't get it... with your genius you could have everything you want."

I stared at my grandmother. I was the only one who visited her nowadays. Eric had made sure she remained locked away in a glamourous institution, but institution no less. There she was, confined in her own expensive villa with all her servants and her nasty smirk, but still confined. Eric, as a special payback for her years of bringing misery upon others, had managed to closet her in, basically sealing her from the world. She was given permission to go out solely for her many galas, so as to pretend that she still had the freedom she once possessed. The other members of the Delton family were to scared to visit her even then. Even Eric, with all his charm and being the head, did not dare come to her face to face after her official "lock down".

And grandmother always possessed a unique self-esteem: brilliant, deadly, elegant, and with a sense of properness no one could compete. In more ways than one, I found her admirable, because she could take on business titans and not blink. She always kept her position, and even though many called her "pure evil", I always considered she did things to purposely seal herself from others. My grandfather adored her; surely there was something she must've done well.

"I already have everything I need." I answered softly. She was also the one person I trusted would never use my secrets against me. After all, I could use all of hers against her. Ironically, she seemed to only person I could truly talk with. No one would be more blatantly honest than she was. "Saying everything I 'want' is somewhat greedy."

"Please, greed has nothing to do with this. If you had even the slightest bit of greed you wouldn't be playing robbers and policemen. You'd be hunting bigger fish." she twisted her fingers in the air.

"You mean, like you hunted grandpa? Is that it?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Why is it that you must always be like that? As though your life were a giant guilt trip. Please, Lucille Marie. If you die at 48, you will already have wasted half your life."

I blinked at her. "Whoever said I would die at 48!?"

"I'm giving you the big picture sweetheart, setting some parameters." She smiled at me, and I knew that sparkle in her eye all too well. "Lucille... do you want to know what I see when I look at you?"

"I get the feeling you would answer even if I said 'no'."

"I see a scared little girl. Your mother is dead, Lucille. No one will hug you at night if you feel like you're going to cry every other day." She rested her head upon her hand. "I see a girl who thinks her life is all about 'karma'. Oh please, you're not that important that God would pay that much attention. You've done many things in the past... honestly, If I hadn't seen your true potential that one time, I'd think you're as useless as your other female cousins."

"Just because I'm trying to see the positive things in life..."

"Oh no, my dear grandchild, you are not seeing the positive aspects in life. You are trying to hide your pain and anger behind a facade. Your friends might be deceived, but you certainly don't trick me. I doubt even your brother knows just how much of an angry person you can be."

"Anger... Pain... those are nothing more than negative feelings. You don't get anything out of them. Rather than have the power which I know you speak of, I'd rather live a happy life, like I'm living. I'm doing what I like! I love designing and I love computers.... and..." I stared at her. "What?"

"Aren't you tired of following the things that already have been written?" she asked one of her butlers for a cosmopolitan. "Nothing is preordained, my dearest. What you were is already in the past. Is this what you truly want? You are still young, you can still change everything. No one can judge you for doing so. Tell me right now that you don't want to do it." she laughed "Pretending you committed suicide to start anew. That was brilliant if you hadn't been as pathetic as to do the exact same thing you were doing before. How do you end up in the same circle?"

I crossed my arms. It felt chilly. "I don't know what you're trying to imply."

"Lucille... you like risk. You cannot deal with a routine and you know it. This is your chance to thrive, this is your opportunity to throw it all away. If it should become a big mistake, then you will have years to remedy that. But... unless you do fall once or twice, you will never learn."

"...I can't.... I.... don't want to."

"You're too comfortable? Lucille..." She stood up before I could see her standing. For an old lady, she was quick. "YOU could be the next Delton leader. You could change this 'male' order. You would be a great challenge to your brother."

I pushed her slightly away. "But that's something I wouldn't do because I love Eric." I stared at her rather nonchalantly.

"Yes... those eyes show me what you would truly be capable of doing."

"Grandmother." I was angry now, and truth be told I was calmer than ever. "Do not use me. Do not think that I will get Eric to withdraw his little 'lock down' game. I rather enjoy visiting you here."

I walked towards the door. "My anger, my fear, my hate... will get me nowhere. It is a path I rather never take. If one day I should go for it, God save my soul, because the first people I will hunt will be the Deltons for bloody giving me such a hard time." I slammed the door behind her, and heard her chuckle.


Updates- Romana Weekend.

Hey everybody!! It's been long!

Well, starting Monday (yesterday) Nathan was supposed to move in, but he got really sick and hasn't been able to do the actual moving. I was pretty sad about it, but I offered to take really good care of him. It's great, you know? When you get sick, there's no better feeling in the world than having someone take good care of you. However, he said he would just sleep for now and I volunteered to visit him tomorrow. My poor friend needs it.

As Gossip comes and goes, I am now an "official" member of "The Poodles". Once again, I am hanging among the elite of the elite. To be completely honest, I just want all of us to be friends, but their are highly venemous vibes traveling from "the Poodles" to "the Chihuahuas". I find it particularly worrisome, because they are all such good people.

Plenty happened. Caroline, Marie and Me are in a contest to become Julian's Tweetie (in other words, the first woman he's going to have sex with). Carol was supposed to be his tweetie already, but she misbehaved and lost the title. She's doing everything in her power to become the tweetie once more, and believe me, she is not a force to be reckoned with (she's highly competitive). But Marie doesn't stay far behind!

Marie and Elena competed so as to determine who was the "sexiest". In a surprising turn of events, Marie won! She won a Palmilla trip in the Delton yacht along with the male partner of her choosing. In the end, she chose the yummy Vincenzo for the task! Elena has still not gotten over the 29 grade she obtained thanks to my stupid dork brother. He has always considered her a goddess, but having received an 8.0 as score for his kissing, he would've never deigned to give her the 10 she positively deserved! You're no 29, Elena! You're our favorite 100!

Men. They never know what they have at hand. I wish sometimes we reproduced asexually. If they didn't give as much pleasure as they do, they'd be downright worthless! (Venting moment over)

Kyle was there along with Veronique (Poodle), who as always has *THE* best fashion taste ever. I adore her, and she is sooooo nice. Vis a Vis, Marie hates her living guts because Veronique is Kyle's girlfriend and he's not willing to let her go, not even if Marie asks him too. I love Marie, but Veronique is a jewel too. Kyle had a tough decision. It's not for me to say if he chose correctly or not.

Giovanni, as always, giving Elena (Poodle) a lot of love. I love their relationship. He adores that woman with all of his core. That's a real man. Of course, he lusts after his cousin Vincenzo and over Julian (though who wouldn't in either case), but at the end of the day, he always comes back home to her. ~sigh~ Love like that is rather unique. They might fight, and she might be a little rough, but in the end, they are perfect for one and the other.

Talking about love, there was much love to give in Ashley's and Rink's department. Ironically, the most stable of all couples, they stare at each other with so much love that I don't think they'll ever be okay without the other. They need each other, breathe each other, and they have such good chemistry! Kudos for them! <3 Love, love, love, just like the Beatles in their ever lasting glorious song yell to us all.

Leo, my cousin, was gorgeous as ever, and he apparently beat Eric as best kisser. They fight like an epic battle among foes, but at the end of the day they will shield each other as family usually does. Leo is Carol's fiancee, but they are now in an Open Relationship kind of era, where they are allowing each other to roam free before they tie the knot (again). They got their first marriage annulled, but they can't really live without the other, so they've reached certain terms before they take the real big step, this time for REAL real.

Caterina and Eric are as crazy as ever (crazy for each other and crazy before the world), but in their way, they make quite a good couple. I really love my sis-in-law, as I call her these days, although if I could I would really give those nails a makeover! But nonetheless, she's like family to me and as I've said in the previous paragraph, family stands together.


1. Newly constituted Poodles: Caroline, Veronique, Elena, and myself
2. Chihuahuas: Ashley, Caterina, and Marie

*The Special Plates*
Judges: Vincenzo, Eric, and Christian


1. Ashley
A. Caterina (7)
E. Lucille (3)
D. Marie (6)
Total: 16

A. Veronique (6)
E. Elena (8)
D. Caroline (6)
Total: 20

3. Veronique
A. Caterina (8)
E. Lucille (7)
D. Elena (10)
Total 25

4. Elena
A. Caroline (10)
E. Rory (10)
D. Ashley (10)
Total 30

5. Marie
A. Caterina and Ashley (10)
E. Sofia (10)
D. Rory (10)
Total 30

Winners: Elena and Marie

Ultimate Showdown:
a) Chocolate Wrestle Match
b) Jello and Cool Whip Match
c) Kiss the Judges- better Kisser challenge
i. Elena: 29
ii. Marie: 30 (WINNER)


Judges: Ashley, Elena, and Veronique

1. Eric
A. Kyle (10)
E. Julian (10)
D. Vincenzo (10)
Total 30

A. Nathaniel (10)
E. Eric (10)
D. Christian (6)
Total 26

3. Christian
A. Giovanni (9)
E. Julian (10)
D. Nathaniel (10)
Total 29

4. Leonardo
A. Rudyard (10)
E. Rink (10)
D. Julian (10)
Total 30

5. Kyle
A. Eric (10)
E. Vincenzo (10)
D. Julian (10)
Total 30

Winners: Eric, Leo, and Kyle

Ultimate Challenge: Same as with Girlas.

Who won? No one ever found out. Kyle and Leo made it to the finals though

And that was our weekend. Pretty intense, wasn't it??