Day 2- Monster Truck

This is day 2 of Nathan and mine's bucket list, and let's be honest. I've always wanted to ride a monster truck, nothing like having a big truck under you to make you feel alive! And how those engines roar! I hear that if you can handle one of those, you can handle anything, and I do like my things rather big.

Least to say, I feel especially dirty. I woke up early and it took me nearly two hours to choose the RIGHT outfit. I needed to pull the cowgirl look after all (since we were going to be in an arena).

I decided to go for the Daisy Duke style from the Dukes of Hazzard. I'm sure you all saw Jessica Simpson back then when she didn't look like the COW part of the COWGIRL.

I'm talking about this look of course:

Instead of the shorts though, I mixed the outfit with a pair of tight jeans. I think it's better to drive with jeans than with shorts (most of the time!) Arr! Naughty girl! Take the rope and tie me down! hehe!

<------- these are the jeans.

See? Those jeans look MUCH better with the pink blouse. Besides, my favorite color is pink. Might as well have it there somewhere today.

So, yes! These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do, one of these days, these boots will walk all over you!

Yeehaa, boys ;)


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