Zero Passive-Agressiveness

Yes... Zero Passive-Agressiveness, that was the title, but now that I started writing the blog I suddenly feel tired and lazy. Well, I've had a lot of work these days. I've had interviews from differente fashion magazines, I've had a lot of people petitioning me new dresses. I've also had to design some shoots. It has been nonstop. Plus, I've had some shoots myself. I was speaking to Tyra this morning and she tells me she wants me to be a special judge in the Oct. 12th week, but I told her it would be impossible for me, because I have this big conference in Washington. Yeah. Busy lady this time around.

I'm so tired, it's not even funny.

I have also gone out EVERY day of the week. Why? Because I'm having fun. I'm enjoying myself. I go out either with Vero, Marie, Samuel, friends from the industry, models, etc. It's highly entertaining and I get to relax.

I don't have a boyfriend. People seem to have this wrong idea that they OWN me or something, which they DON'T. I don't deny it. I want to have a boyfriend, therefore if you know someone who's interested in a hot, smart, knows how to cook, designer, knows about computers etc. girl, then please approach me at once. Meanwhile, I'm just not in any type of compromise right now. And this is the entire truth.

I'm not being mean, I don't want to hurt feelings, I don't want to get my feelings hurt, this is totally true.

Tonight I'm going to the movies. Can't wait.

Did I mention? I have a lot of work? yes?

haha! Must go! :D


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